The Gawler Community Galleries 2011 management committee was elected at the November AGM held at The Price Albert Hotel in Gawler on the 17th November 2010.
Outgoing President, Judy Ferguson, paid tribute to former 2010 committee member Shirley Shaw who recently passed away after a long battle with cancer. Shirley was mentioned in several other committee member's reports highlighting that her work for the gallery and her exhibitions of latest artworks will be missed greatly.
Out new management committee for 2011 is as follows:
- President/Chairperson: Thelma Kirkwood
- Vice President: Kimberley Hargrave
- Treasurer: Ellen Steyn
- Secretary: David Arandle
- Publicity Officer: Joanne Hughes
(NB: Judy Ferguson will take on Roster Manager as an unofficial position.)
- Shop Co-ordinator: Phil Bolding
- Program Co-Ordinator/Curator: Thelma Kirkwood
- Newsletter Editor: Jeannine Randall
- Eighth Committee Member: Joyce Mendrik
Finding people with the time to be on our management committee is a difficult task. Thanks to all the continuing committee members and a special thank you to those new committee members stepping up for the first time.
Finally a big thank you to our former president Judy Ferguson, who no doubt would have renominated for President had her constitutional five year limit on the committee had not been reached.
Judy has been President of the gallery since before its establishment in February 2006 and was President of ArtsAction (the group formed in 2000 to lobby for the establishment of a community gallery in Gawler) up until the gallery was established. Effectively Judy has been a leading driver of Community Arts in Gawler for ten years straight.
Only Judy would take a break from the committee by taking on the task of Roster Co-ordinator - one of the most difficult gallery management jobs - as an unofficial position.
Thank you Judy!