G.C.G. Committee

Committee Meetings...

Meetings are held at the gallery: on the first Thursday of every month from 10am.

Gallery members are not required to attend monthly committee meetings, however, if you have an issue to discuss, contact the Secretary at least two days before so it can be added to the agenda.
If you would like to sit in on a meeting to see how your Gallery is run you are more than welcome.

Become a Committee Member...
No experience required. Whilst any management experience you have will obviously help it’s not a requirement for being a member of the gallery committee.

All you need is the desire to help shape the future of the gallery in a more direct role. Everything else can be learnt. Previous committee members are very happy to help.

Committee positions are usually elected by vote at the gallery AGM held in November.
From time to time extra positions are created to assist with the work load, an example being the Minute Secretary.
Your Gallery Committee:

consists of  nine member volunteers, voted in by the membership, at our A.G.M held each November. There are also several subsidiary member roles.

Each Committee member is responsible for different aspects of managing the gallery within their roles. Details are listed below.

If you have any enquiries about the Gallery contact the appropriate committee member. If you are unsure who to contact try either the President or Secretary. They will be able to direct, or help you.

2015-16 Committee:

President: Ron Brook 
Chairs the monthly committee meeting. Oversees the general running of the gallery and ensures that the mission and policies of the gallery are being pursued.
Email: N/A
Phone: 0419 033 527

Vice President: Joanne Hughes
The Vice President stands in for the President when necessary.
Email:  kenjo@internode.on.net

Secretary: Joanne Emmery
Handles the general administration of the gallery, including management of our membership, the mailing list, curates member exhibitions and gallery run competitions. She does all this as well as general meeting duties.

Treasurer: Ellen Steyn
Manages the gallery financial needs including, purchases, monthly financial reports and ensuring our books are audited for the AGM. She is also responsible for paying artists when their work is sold in the gallery or Shop. (Note that payments are usually made within four weeks of making a sale).
Email:  estyne@bigpond.com

Roster Manager: Joanne Hughes 
is responsible for filling the monthly Roster, and managing the Shifts of volunteers at the gallery during opening hours.
Email:  kenjo@internode.on.net 
Phone: 0423 879 963

Program Co-ordinator: Thelma Kirkwood
is responsible for the gallery exhibition program calendar, including Room Hire and potential exhibitors.
Email:  atkirk@bigpond.com

Shop Co-Ordinator: Laura Wright and Gayl Beahnisch
is responsible for the management of the gallery shop, covering Stock Take, correct labelling, rotating stock and liaison with artists. Members wishing to sell work through the gallery shop should contact the Shop Co-ordinator for further information.
Email: N/A
Phone: Gayl Mobile: 0408 803 701, Laura Mobile: 0439 812 327

Hanging Team Co-ordinator: Ron Brook.
Exhibition hanging runs smoothly with our team of volunteers. Ron can be contacted if you need help in hanging your exhibition.
Email: N/A
Phone: 0419 033 527

Publicity Officer: Portia Stanton-Noble
is responsible for publicising any current and up coming exhibitions and  events at the gallery, including what we have to offer artists. This is done through local press and liaison with local newspaper journalists, radio interviews and more.
Email:  s.portia@rocketmail.com

 GHS Exhibition Co-ordinator: Ron Brook and Lorraine Winchester
manages the rotating and hanging of Art in the  corridors of the George Duldig Ward and the Frank Forgie Ward at the Gawler Health Service (Hospital).  This is changed over every 3 months.
Email: N/A
Phone: 8524 0419 (Ron)

Office Assistants
Gordon Head and Jan Burns

Website News Updates: Gordon Head and Thelma Kirkwood.
Keeping you up to date with all the latest news via the gallery website/Blog.
Link to: Gallery Blog.
Email  atkirk@bigpond.com
Face Book: Thelma Kirkwood
manages this page for us, with information about current & forthcoming Exhibitions.  If you have anything to add, contact her to see if she can include it for you. Our Face Book Title is: The Gawler Community Gallery Inc. The link is on our HOME page here.
Email: atkirk@bigpond.com
Face Book: Gawler Community Gallery Inc

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