8 August 2013

Shop Updates

From Colleen & Dianne at The Shop 

Today at the Gallery is at least the 2nd week in a row that we have had a decent number of visitors through the door. Numbers appear to be on the up & up, YEAH....  (A BIG well done to ALL our Helpers)

Wheel Chair Access now has a DOOR BELL placed in the Lower Left of our Notice Board, just outside the door on the veranda, (many thanks to Colleen & Gordon for donating that) It is plugged into a power socket in the shop. 

We now have a new Vacuum and it is a pleasure to use, especially on the stairs, SOOO much safer.  

The Shop is looking HOT, HOT, HOT,  come on down and have a look, purchase a gift for that special someone, we now have a FANTASTIC range of items available at  VERY reasonable prices.

Everything from: paintings, framed & mounted, Pottery- plates, humorous miniatures, Egg cups, mini pots, Large pots, Wind Chimes ( Just Gorgeous)

 Silk & wool Scarves & Hats, Miniature Paintings, Book Marks, Gift Cards, Blank Cards for Birthdays etc, 

Jewellery for the Adults & the Children- Bracelets & kits, Earrings, & Necklaces. 
I have probably forgotten something, the list seems endless. It is FABULOUS to see so many of our Members supporting the Gallery Shop and their Gallery so well.

We have made so many changes recently and everything is coming together very nicely. We now have - "Pottery Place" for all our pottery to be grouped together where it looks FAB,

"Kids Corner" obviously for Childrens' items and 

"Accessory Bay" for extraneous items such as Jewellery, Scarves, Coat Hangers & more.

 I hope you all enjoyed our little Expose' of  The Gawler Community Gallery Shop this week, we would love to see you and hear how you like us, Cheers Dianne

7 August 2013

Current Exhibitions & Openings

August/September & SALA

There will be  TWO NEW exhibitions during             August /September.
Exhibition duration is: 15th August - 22nd September.

SALA runs from 2nd August - 25th August, with many venues all across Adelaide & Regional areas, so there is loads to see & do.

Here at The Gawler Community Gallery we have our usual supply of ever changing, interesting quality Art works available for ALL to see.
Entry is FREE and YES we DO have DISABLED access to our Downstairs rooms and a photographic display for you in the Shop, so NO-ONE need miss out.

"Red Hen" Exhibition Room:
Titled: 'Baby Love'  by Sherry Spendlove.
This is a collection of "Reborn Baby Dolls", they are all hand-crafted and made with loving care by Sherry.  (These beautiful babies are Sooo Life Like). It is like walking into the Nursery!
Sherry gave her room a final tweak today to present it at its very best. A room with a lovely welcoming atmosphere.
Sherry has had a lovely write up in The Bunyip Newspaper a couple of weeks ago. If you would like to view the article feel free to visit their online pages.    

Tea & Sugar Exhibition Room:
Titled: 'Fragments OF Nature' by Sharyn Sinclair, who comes from Freeling.
from- Fragments Of Nature.
This is a vibrant exhibition with lovely LARGE paintings of beautiful bright
flowers and African animals in a range of mediums. A MUST see.

In the "Overland" Exhibition Room:
Titled: "Futher Along The Path"
Artist Quartet -Ron Brooks, Bob McCance, Kath O'Connor & Jan Harman from the "Truro Art Group" will be continuing their Exhibition which encompasses a variety of beautiful Australian Landscapes, Birds, Celtic designs and others.
from- Further Along The Path.

All the work from the above exhibitions is for Sale, however, the following exhibition is a Retrospective and is for your viewing pleasure only               
(NOT for SALE)

The Ghan Exhibition Room: 
Retrospective Of Quilts, by Annette McCrae. These quilts are for viewing pleasure only and not for sale. Annette (herself a local quilter), has been collecting these quilts over the past 30 years.         Some of which have been shown in Galleries & Museums in the U.S.A

Unfortunately I have no photos to entice you from the Retrospective Exhibition  Of Quilts, but rest assured it is as beautiful as last months was.

For further information on these Exhibitions please do not hesitate to contact Joanne Hughes who is our very accomplished Publicity Officer.
Ph: 8524 8213 or 0423 879 963
Sherry taking a break & chatting with Shop Coordinator Colleen Gates (center), & volunteer Carol Clue, in our Entry passage which is also part of the Gallery Shop.

Gallery News

News Letter due soon

The next newsletter is due out soon and when it arrives I will pass on all the relevant updates.
There will be news about the forthcoming AGM, so keep that in mind and perhaps consider taking on a role this time around. There will be plenty of support if you have never held a committee position before.

Some of the Exhibitions from July/ August, will cross over during SALA  and new ones will come in for August September. This means that unlike other years we will have up to 6 Exhibitions occurring throughout SALA.