From Colleen & Dianne
BIG CHANGES - For ALL members.
To avoid confusion regarding ALL Consignment Stock in the shop we have decided to ALTER the CHANGE OVER DATE for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.Effective Immediately,
ALL Stock Items are to be changed over every 4 MONTHS !You MAY change your stock rotation more frequently if desired !The Added Bonus are;We have done this so that you only need to remember the ONE date in future as there have been quite a few people forgetting to do their changes.
Now there need only be 4 changes for the year.
(Just remember to mark your Calendar/Diary at home.)
It is also acceptable for regular Roster members to change over their stock on the next, or previous sitting to their change date, so you don't need to make that extra trip into Gawler for those who do not live close by.
It is NOT a quarterly change it is just as your current term expires so that the shop curator & volunteers are not overloaded with lots of changes all at once.
We see this as further streamlining the operation of the shop and hope that you all accept the changes as a positive thing, many thanks Colleen & Dianne.
OTHER SHOP NEWSYou may have notice several changes over the last few months, among them are several
TITLED sections for specific items. Currently they are; "
The Accessory Bay", "Pottery Place" & "Kids Corner", if we/or you, think of others we may decide to add more.
By doing this though we need to make sure that the APPROPRIATE stock is in each section.
CHILDRENWe have had a few comments recently in the shop about NOT having anything little for kiddies to buy or for people to give kiddies as gifts. |
"Land Before Time" by Dianne Vagg |
Sooooo: PLEASE consider making or painting a few items to help overcome this oversight. It is not something that we have considered before, however as we DO have a shop it is only natural that the public could expect us to try and cover all age groups and tastes where we can.
Colleen has been knitting some little people & I myself have included some children's jewellery, to get us started.
We are now putting out a call to our talented artistic members to come up with one or two special somethings ranging from a few $'s to help us in this area, & if you can make it something that is "specifically" your style, then all the better.
Kiddies Bracelets by Dianne & Priity Bits Jewellery |
And On That Note, leads me into "THE CHRISTMAS SHOP" which we will be having again this year.
Starting on: 7th of November, along with the next round of Exhibitions and running until
January 12th 2014 including our closure dates over the Holiday period. (these will be advised soon)
It is now time to put thinking caps on and come up with items suitable as Christmas Gifts or Stocking Fillers.
Lets make it a really successful one this year by telling ALL you friends & Family, and if you are on Face Book, Twitter or other media, spread the word that way too.I have included the only photos I have to give you some inspiration, so Happy Creating everyone.
RAFFLEWe will be holding a
Christmas Raffle again this year and would like to
call upon your previous generosity and ask you to please donate something for it so we can make some very special prizes for the lucky winners to be.
CLEANINGWe now have a
NEW vacuum cleaner, most of you probably know this by now. However if not I am pleased to say that when fully charged it will clean the whole Gallery from top to bottom, and is So, So easy to use. Especially compared to sweeping up. If you have any problems with operating it feel free to contact Dianne Vagg, her number is on the Roster.
Finally just a REMINDER: for WHEEL CHAIR ACCESSThe buzzer push is located in the Notice Board lower Right hand corner, and the inside component is plugged into the power near Kiddies Corner. Access is via the door in our old shop.