We now have a comments section for you so please feel free to leave us a message. Note: you need to go into the "News Archive" on the left of screen, select the Month, then select a Heading, the comments start as from November 2013. Many thanks for your interest management.
The 2013 A.G.M ran smoothly, with all committee members standing down & the New Committee being chosen, accepted & seconded into the minutes, following the reading of the 2012 minutes, and reports from the outgoing committee.
I am pleased to convey that the incoming committee members for 2014 are as follows:
President -
Mr Ron Brook, No Email available.
Vice President & Roster Manager -
Joanne Hughes, Email: kenjo@internode.on.net
Treasurer -
Ellen Steyne, Email; estyne@bigpond.com
Secretary -
Colleen Gates, Email; gordon.gates@hotmail.com
Publicity Officer -
Judy Ferguson, Email; dfe44720@bigpond.net.au
Shop Manager & Blog -
Dianne Vagg, Email; djvagg@bigpond.net.au
Exhibition Program Coordinator/Curator & Face Book -
Thelma Kirkwood, Email; atkirk@bigpond.comEmail;
Gawler Health Service (GHS) Coordinator -
Sue Olds, Email; crolds@bigpond.com
Extra Committee Member -
Mrs Sylvia Bolding, who has kindly agreed to be minute taker & assist the Secretary.
Out going Committee
On behalf of ALL Gallery members I would like to say a BIG thank you to all our retiring Committee members for doing such a great job during 2013, with special thanks to long standing
David Arandle who did a wonderful job managing many roles, squeezing them in with his very busy private life.
David was not only our
Secretary, but also, managed
Hanging of Exhibitions, Membership Renewal, Organising & sending out Exhibition Invitations, was Editor of our Newsletter & also implemented & ran both Web site & Blog pages which were linked. Now that he has stood down David has reorganised these pages to make it easier for us all to follow.
We now just have the Blog which he has also given a face lift with a fresh new look which is much more inviting to the public and easier to read.
Shrouded in Blue |
For All on the outgoing Committee, it has been very busy all year, making improvements to our lovely Gallery. Early in the year the whole building received a face lift both inside & out, with a few hiccups along the way. With the building maintenance program we were shrouded in blue for around 4 weeks while the Roof was replaced & the Walls pressure washed.
small section of Shop |
All has since been sorted and we moved on to creating an office upstairs which meant that we have been able to make the Shop much less crowded & a much nicer place for the public to come into.
With a lot of hard work from a lot of people we have been able to ensure that the Gallery's sales in all areas is up from last year. This is despite the fact that initially exhibition sales were down and both shop sales and visitor entry numbers into the shop had been well down early in the year.
set up of Stall |
With all the new improvements our visitor numbers into the shop increased substantially again. We also ran a stall, more or less a last minute thing which we were invited to do by "
The Heritage Cafe" as part of their opening activities.
We placed one of our sandwich board signs down near the
Lions Markets entry, which brought a lot of people up to the Gallery, having a good look around. There was a lot of great feed back that day & most people had still not realised that there was a Gallery here.
There have been a number of people making an extra effort to spread the word about our beautiful Gallery, as well as our appointed Publicity Officer,
Joanne Hughes, who did a Brilliant job of getting us into the local papers no less than 52 times this year.
M.P. Tony Picollo's Window |
These include: t
he Bunyip, Messenger & Tony Picollos's own Newsletter, & on the Council Web site. Two Radio Stations at both Kapunda & Salisbury every 6 weeks
. Kerry Barret sent the photos in to the
Art & Social pages for us too.
Joanne also organised
mini exhibitions set up in M.P Tony Picollo's Office window, we had good mention in the
SALA magazine & were involved in the
Gawler Art Trail with 8 other venues, which was a first for the town and I believe very successful.
Thelma has been looking after the
Gallery's Face Book page, and with increasing posts & information throughout the year has managed to build our "Likers" ( which are people who are following what we do) up from the low 40's to now 107 with interest on the up & up. Well done Thelma and good luck with next years continued successes.
https://www.facebook.com/GawlerCommunityGallery?fref=ts Myself
(Dianne) have been
writing up the Blog, then
"sharing" it to Face Book & Google pages, also on my Art page.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Priity-Bits-Jewellery-Life-Style-Art/363149350478723?ref=hl and our Amity page,
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Amity-6-Friends-Art-Adelaide/532249873498617?ref=hl I have also managed to get information on another
Face Book page called
"Gawler Happenings" which promotes all things going on around Gawler, they have been most supportive.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gawler-Happenings/348637148483781?fref=tsThe last page I found is one called
"Around You.com" this is an Australia wide web page which promotes all sorts of things, you simply select the State & the town you want and choose a subject you wish to see or visit, to find out what is on in that area on any given wee, having first put in your post code. (It is great for both locals & tourists alike.) I recommend you go and have a look at this one.
http://www.aroundyou.com.au/adelaide/north-adelaide/We also periodically share information with
Clare Rotary, https://www.facebook.com/ClareRotaryArtExhibition?fref=ts Kapunda Gallery, via
Maxine Donald, who has been involved with our Gallery in the past.
Port Community Art centre at Port Adelaide, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Port-Community-Arts-Centre/104390476293802?fref=ts & The General store Community Art Group at MtBarker. https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStoreCommunityArtGroupInc?hc_location=timelineSo you see we are spreading the word far and wide to promote your Gallery and wonderful Art works.
Happy Reading, good night I will see you all soon, cheers Dianne.