30 August 2014

The 7th Gawler Bi-Annual Art Award

Photos and Gossip.

This is an OPEN Exhibition, which means that anyone may enter from across Australia.

The Gawler Art Award, actually began 14 years ago. Before it found it's current home in our wonderful Gallery, It used to be held at various venues around the town of Gawler.

This year we had many lovely Sponsors and would like to take the time to acknowledge them and give them thanks for their continued support as in the past.

They are as follows:  Gawler Council, M.P. Tony Piccolo, Vadoulis Garden Centre, Adelaide Road Clinic, Sanctuuary Of Hair and Beauty, Dial a Picture Framer, Kornacraft, and Ned's of Gawler.
The People's Choice award was sponsored by The Gawler Community Gallery.

There was a panel of 3 judges comprising two prominent Artists, and the Mayor of Gawler.
On the day of the Grand Opening, Light refreshments were supplied after the Presentations and Opening speeches.

Perigrines's Roost, by Carol Coventry
Councillor Karen Redman
and Judy Ferguson
Overall Winner of The 7th Gawler Art Award is; Carol Coventry, award presented by Mayor Brian Sambell.
Sponsored by 'The Town Of Gawler'- council.
Carol also received a merit award for one of her other entries.

Briant Mahony Award Winner is
Joanne Emery

The Honourable Mr Tony Piccolo M.P. presented the coveted 'Briant Mahony Award' to the Winner Joanne Emery.
For her 3D work of an Aerial View of The Town of Gawler.

Above Right: Joanne's winning entry, this award was also Sponsored by Tony Piccolo.

Walter Gray's painting

Walter Gray a long standing member of The Gawler Community
Gallery receives his Award for his Beautiful Watercolour, sponsored by 'Dial A Picture Framer'
A painting of a Gawler History building. (my apologies I haven't got an accurate title for this one)

Marzena Kaczmanek receives her Award
 for The Hanging Textile Section.

Marzena's winning Textile entry

The winning Textile  by Marzena, and sponsored by Kornacraft.

Ron Brooks winning Entry.
Mixed Media- Flaura and Fauna section. 

Ron Brooks also a long time member of the gallery wins the Flora/Fauna
prize proudly sponsored by Vadoulis Plant Nursery.

On the right- Mayor Brian Sambell and President Mr Ron Brooks relaxing in between duties at the opening.

The Lovely Youth Award Winner for age group 10 to 14 years is Miss Georgia Samsonenko.  She did a most advanced painting of a Collie for her age.
Her prize was sponsored by Ned's of Gawler.
Here she is proudly with her painting.

The Youth Award Winner for age group 15 to 18 years was Master Jesse Crow presented and Sponsored by Patricia Dent of
'Sancturary Of Hair and Beauty' Gawler. Jesse's entry was a small sculpture.
Congratulations to both of our young entrants.

 Finally The Award for any Medium Other than Watercolour was Helen Peter. A beautiful piece, of reflected Trees, sponsored by 'Adelaide Road Clinic'

Rhonda Feitz receives her Merist Award
from Mayor Brian Sambell. 

And now here are a few of the Award Merits given out to worthy     recipients.

Textile by Rhonda Feitz

Carol Coventry
Tony Smith

Stewart Barr
Glenys Parker


The 'People's Choice'  Award will be presented on September 21st at 3pm, once all votes are counted.
The viewing public determine the winner of this category, so all the very best of luck to all our participating artists.

The quality of work presented this year is excellent, and The Gawler Community Gallery thank all Entrants for their efforts in presenting and entering their beautiful Art works.
There have been good sales which also reflects the above statement.


Before I go tonight I would like to remind everyone that next weekend is Father's Day, so why not come on in and visit us, you might just find exactly what you are looking for, for your Special, Father, or Grandfather.  There are not many raffle tickets left either, so good luck to all those who have tickets, may yours be the winning one.
The 'Fun For Father' Father's Day Raffle will be drawn at Noon on Thursday 4th of September. Just in time for you to collect your prize to give the Lucky Dad/Father next Sunday.

17 August 2014

Gawler Art Award

Grand Opening

It has been a very busy day at the Gallery with 2 Touring Coaches stopping for a break this morning and most of their occupants visiting us.
While I put the finishing touches to the 'Fathers Day' Raffle Prizes, 2 of our lovely volunteers took care of the Shop, and another put together several lovely Flower vases in readiness for the opening later in the day.
Our caterer arrived close to lunch time to prepare the nibble platters in readiness also.
all looked fresh and yummy.                                                
Then our very talented Secretary arrived and placed all the Prize Cards onto the Winners Art works.

All set for the many people expected to attend the opening and viewing of the MANY, MANY,  Beautifully executed paintings and Textiles that fill the 4 rooms of our lovely Gawler Community Gallery for the next 6 weeks.

I have several photos which, sadly, need some editing before I can proceed to post them here for you all. I can however leave you with a view of a section of our visitors at the opening ceremony and a lovely collage photo by Thelma Kirkwood (our Exhibition Co-ordinator), showing speeches in progress.
I will post more photos and details of the Prize Winners as soon as possible.
Cheers for now Admin Dianne

16 August 2014

Gallery News

Our Intrepid Publicity Officer has been very busy promoting the Gallery, which she does very well. Recently she was caught in action at the local Community Radio Station in Salisbury, so I thought I would share these snapshots with you.

Every month, Judy does an interview update of all that is current at the Gallery, she also gets lots of newspaper coverage for us. Is seemingly tireless in her efforts to promote The Gawler Community Gallery Inc.
 Having been with the gallery from it's inception as part of "Arts Action" back in 2006 Judy has been very pro-active in volunteering her time in the interests of The Arts within Gawler.
Without the efforts of many such people we would not have the Quality Gallery that we have today.
 Many Thanks Judy and all those who contribute their time and efforts to bring the public a beautifully displayed Gallery full of Art in 6 week blocks throughout every year.

Tomorrow is the Grand Opening of:- 'The Gawler Biannual Art Awards' a prestigious event open to  any artist, with 5 prize categories to choose from for entrants, and 3 Major award prizes including The Brian Mahoney Award.
These awards have now been judged and the prizes will be awarded tomorrow at the opening. There is also a 'People's Choice Award' which is calculated by your votes and presented at the end of the Exhibition.
We would love to see you all tomorrow so come on out and enjoy the company of others, we open at 9AM and the opening is at 2 PM.
We also have our Fun For Fathers, Fathers Day Raffle with 3 prizes ranging in value from over $50 to over $250.  Tickets are only $1 each. You have to be in it to win it.
Prizes will be drawn on the Thursday prior to Fathers Day.
Our next News Letter will be out shortly also.
Cheers. For now, Dianne Blog Admin.