The Gawler Community Gallery Inc.
Is a Volunteer run Gallery located in the Heritage listed, Station Master's House, at the Gawler Railway Station, Twenty Third Street, Gawler South, S. A.
Open: Thurs - Sat' 10 am - 4 pm & Sun' 9 am - 3 pm. Closed public holidays & days over 35 degrees.
Ph: (08) 85235995 when open.
20 December 2015
Gallery Summer Hours. 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Special Notices:
Closure during the hottest days, and our 10th Anniversary Celebrations.
It is the policy of our gallery, for the Health and Safety of our Volunteers and the Public, to close our doors when the forecast temperature for the day is 35 degrees or more.
We appologise for any inconvenience that this may cause, however, I am sure that you will agree, that it is not pleasant to be in a HOT environment for any length of time, and unfortunately we DO NOT have adequate air conditioning to support us in remaining open on these days.
Because we are aware, that we have a lot of heat closure days during the Summer, we extend the length of time, that exhibitions run during this period, to give everyone the chance to come and view them and to purchase quality work that they fall in love with.
If you have any further questions you may call any of the committee members, simply follow this link or go to the page.

This is a photo of the dust storm which took place a few days ago not too far from Gawler. (post date 21-12-15)
It is courtesy of the 'S.A. Country Fire Service' who do a fabulous job here in S.A.
Many of our gallery members live on the land and need to be home to guard their properties also on hot days.
We hope that you all stay well and safe during the summer months.

This is a photo of the dust storm which took place a few days ago not too far from Gawler. (post date 21-12-15)
It is courtesy of the 'S.A. Country Fire Service' who do a fabulous job here in S.A.
Many of our gallery members live on the land and need to be home to guard their properties also on hot days.
We hope that you all stay well and safe during the summer months.
7 December 2015
For Sale in our 'Shop', Christmas Gift Ideas, and More
Important Notice to both the Public and our Members!
The Gawler Community Gallery will closed from the 21st December 2015 and will be re-opening on January 7th 2016.
Important Notice to both the Public and our Members! The Gawler Community Gallery will closed from the 21st December 2015 and will be re-opening on January 7th 2016. |
And the Lucky Winners were:-

The Christmas raffle has again been a wonderful success, many thanks to the girls who put the fabulous prizes together, which included for the first time, a book buyers prize.
Winner of the Book Buyers Prize- Laura
Congratulations to all, I am sure these will go well towards you all enjoying a very festive Christmas.
As you can see here the prizes are quite substantial.
On display are also a variety of items you will find in out shop, everything from paintings, jewellery, pottery, sculpture, textiles, the odd candle or two and so very much more.
See below also.
There is still timebefore Christmas, to come on in and grab yourself a very individual, ONE OFF gift for someone special in your life
On display are also a variety of items you will find in out shop, everything from paintings, jewellery, pottery, sculpture, textiles, the odd candle or two and so very much more.
See below also.
There is still timebefore Christmas, to come on in and grab yourself a very individual, ONE OFF gift for someone special in your life

More news still to come so stay tuned for the next entry coming soon.
29 November 2015
New Committee, A.G.M, Pre-Christmas
Special Information
Cook Book - NOW AVAILABLE - only $15.00
This is a colaboration of work by our Members, (Artists) of their 'Favourite Recipes' and Photographs of their wonderful 'Art Work' have been inserted into the page that their recipe is displayed on.This would make a wonderful gift for anyone for Christmas, Birthday or Other. There is a limited supply so please phone in with your order, and get into the gallery quickly so as not to miss out on your copy before Christmas. As time is limited now and there cannot be a second print run until the New Year. (Apologies, pictures are currently unavailable, I was sent some but cannot use them.)
As a result of the recent A.G.M, the following are now our new committee.
President: Ron Brook,Vice President/Roster: Joanne Hughes,
Secretary: Joanne Emery.
Treasurer: Ellen Steyn,
Program Co-ordinator: Thelma Kirkwood,
Publicity: Portia Stanton-Noble,
Shop-Cordinators: Gayl Baehnisch and Laura Wright,
Office assistants: Jan Burns and Gordon Head.
Current Exhibitions & Openings,
Gallery News,
Adelaide SA, Australia
7 November 2015
Reminders and Updates
A Busy Holiday Season Is Coming!!
Christmas Raffles are all wrapped up, chuckle. As you would expect!
We have 3 really BIG prizes with tons of goodies inside which I am sure will delight anyone who should win one of them. Tickets are available at the Gallery Shop for only $1.00 each. Our books are made up of ten so you can buy the whole book if you like.
The Raffle will be drawn before we close the Gallery for the Christmas break which is aproximately Sunday 20th December at 3pm. I need to just confirm the dates for you.
The latest Newsletter is now online for everyone. We now have a new Editor, with the change of Committee on Thursday 29th October at our Annual AGM. I will list them all shortly.
The Exhibition Calendar for 2016 has now been updated also, there have been a few changes, so please take note, those of you who use this service to plan your future exhibitions. there are still only 6 room available for the whole of next year, so it would be a good idea to lock one in now and pay a deposit.
Membership is now just about apon us; and Invoices and reminders will be going out very very soon. Don't forget to renew yours as none of us wishe to have an admin fee added if we are late. details will be on your form which will either be Emailed or Posted to you.
Gawler Health - Hospital ongoing Exhibition.
Just a reminder that hte next change over date for paarticipants is on the 1st Thursday of December at 1.30pm, Contact Mr Ron Brook for more information or check at the gallery during open hours.
15 October 2015
Junior Open
For All Our Budding Young Artists Out There
January 2016 heralds the first round of exhibitions for the year, and we kick it off well with one for our Junior up and coming, school age Artists.
From the Ages of 8 to 17. You are all welcome to enter this exhibition. It could be your best piece for the whole school year, or you might like to try Painting, Photography, Sculpting, Pottery, or Recycle something into an art piece. The choice is yours. There is a small fee to enter, see our Entries Page or click here for the entry form. A bonus for you all is that you do NOT have to frame your art if you don't want to, BUT it must be for sale. So speak to Mum and Dad, and get them to encourage you to take part as I believe there are a couple of prizes for the best.
Please phone one of the Committee if you have any questions. The best ones are the Secretary or the Program Coordinator.
Admin Dianne
Art Exhibition-
Youth, Open Unframed’
8 years to 17 years
January 21st to February 28th, 2016
4 pm Thursday, 7th January, 2016
Entry forms available at Gallery Shop,
the Gallery Blog or contact Secretary, 8251 3564, Email:
Good luck everyone, and have a LOT of fun making your Art pieces.
10 Year Celebrations
Prepare for Celebration
Earlier in the year I mentioned that 'The Gawler Community Gallery' will celebrate it's 10th Year in 2016, of service to the community with beautifully displayed public exhibitions.
As more information comes to light we will inform you.
Celebration will be held on Sunday 7th February 2016
Message from Secretary Colleen; A sub-committee is being formed for the purpose of organizing the celebration. Judy Ferguson has kindly offered to lead the group. If any member who would like to be involved could you please contact a committee member for information. All help is appreciated.You may not believe it, but it is true, that theArt/Recipe book is being proof-read at this moment and should be on the counter in the Gallery Shop within the next few weeks. It has been a long, difficult time getting members to feel willing to submit entries. You are all wonderfully talented people and should feel proud of your efforts.
In November, after the A.G.M. Renewal Invoice/Statements will be sent out to members, some by Email and others posted. Please submit the Membership Renewal Invoice when making payment ensuring that the information on the page is correct. If you receive it by Email and do not have the facilities to print it, please let the Secretary know and he/she will post one to you. Please do not use a Member’s Application form.
"I am sincerely notifying members that I will remain available to help a new secretary in 2016 but I will not be available 2017. I have done my best to ensure that the computer has all the necessary information for an incoming executive officer and I will stay on working for the Gallery in a lesser capacity as long as my health allows".
As you can see Colleen has been very busy indeed. However she has decided to retire her position as Secretary and opt for a somewhat more relaxing time with her family and the gallery.
We wish you well Colleen and thank you for all your efforts, also not forgetting your side kick Sylvia.
Sylvia has been assisting the secretary for the last 2 years with minutes and a LOT of proof reading among other things. Thank you Sylvia.
That's all for now, there will be more as it comes to hand
Admin Dianne
In November, after the A.G.M. Renewal Invoice/Statements will be sent out to members, some by Email and others posted. Please submit the Membership Renewal Invoice when making payment ensuring that the information on the page is correct. If you receive it by Email and do not have the facilities to print it, please let the Secretary know and he/she will post one to you. Please do not use a Member’s Application form.
"I am sincerely notifying members that I will remain available to help a new secretary in 2016 but I will not be available 2017. I have done my best to ensure that the computer has all the necessary information for an incoming executive officer and I will stay on working for the Gallery in a lesser capacity as long as my health allows".
As you can see Colleen has been very busy indeed. However she has decided to retire her position as Secretary and opt for a somewhat more relaxing time with her family and the gallery.
We wish you well Colleen and thank you for all your efforts, also not forgetting your side kick Sylvia.
Sylvia has been assisting the secretary for the last 2 years with minutes and a LOT of proof reading among other things. Thank you Sylvia.
That's all for now, there will be more as it comes to hand
Admin Dianne
A.G.M. 29th October 7 pm.
7pm Start for AGM. - Helpful Information
*This is a long post today, PLEASE take the time to read it all, as there is a LOT of Important and helpful information.
first posted on 16-10-15
This year there has been both a change of venue, and time in which the AGM will be held.
This is to encourage more people to attend.
Where: (CWA Hall, Tod Street, Gawler.
When: 7.00pm, on Thursday 29th October.
How is the Committee Formed? Nomination forms must be filled in suggesting or recommending a person for a particular position. That person must then be approached and asked if they will accept it or not.
nomination forms are attached to the bottom of the September Newsletter which is here on the blog, click on the link above or go to the Newsletter page.
This can be done prior to the AGM, or at the beginning of the meeting, prior to postions being called 'vacated'. Either way the nominated person is asked if they accept or not.
PLEASE - there is NO need to feel pressured and help is at hand, to help you settle in to your new position for those willing to accept.
Please read the letter below, for an insight from one of our current Committee members.
*NOTE- just to hand. 17-10-15
I have been informed that most of the vacating committee positions have received nominations and been accepted by those nominated. We still need you to consider for the remainder. At this time a list of the accepted ones is unavailable. signed Admin.
We know that you all love the Gallery, what it stands for in the community, and how it has assisted many novice artists, to get ‘started’ in sharing their work with the public, and even making sales; opportunities which may previously have never entered their minds.
However, some of us on the Committee for the Gallery have been in their positions for many years now, and would welcome new members to take over. Several of us are now close to 80 years old, and although we are generally coping with our tasks, sometimes the lack of computer competency makes it more difficult to achieve the desired results. We feel that younger members with sharper memories, better eyesight, and more advanced computer skills would make the Gallery run even smoother than it does at present.
(The current members would be very happy to ‘coach’ anyone interested in a particular portfolio, and would then leave it for them to “make the job their own”.)
Even if you are unable to take on a position at the moment, please come along to the AGM, so that it is not just the usual ten committee members attending. There will be reports by the office bearers, as well as question time, and voting for the new committee, followed by supper.
The 10th Anniversary of the opening of our Gallery will be in February next year and we want to ensure that we will still be a viable and well-loved business by then. So please, search your hearts and see if you are able to take on a role in the running of the Gallery, allowing those who have served so diligently, to retire happily.
The treasurer has had a very difficult year this year, managing her position with a very sick husband, while she herself having injured her arm making her task all the more difficult. We all wish both Ellen and her husband a much happier year next year and thank her for continuing despite all the setbacks.
I would like to say that as an X committee member, there has always been support and willingness of people to help, or even take over temporarily whilst others are on holiday or unwell.
This is to encourage more people to attend.
Where: (CWA Hall, Tod Street, Gawler.
When: 7.00pm, on Thursday 29th October.
How is the Committee Formed? Nomination forms must be filled in suggesting or recommending a person for a particular position. That person must then be approached and asked if they will accept it or not.
nomination forms are attached to the bottom of the September Newsletter which is here on the blog, click on the link above or go to the Newsletter page.
This can be done prior to the AGM, or at the beginning of the meeting, prior to postions being called 'vacated'. Either way the nominated person is asked if they accept or not.
PLEASE - there is NO need to feel pressured and help is at hand, to help you settle in to your new position for those willing to accept.
Please read the letter below, for an insight from one of our current Committee members.
*NOTE- just to hand. 17-10-15
I have been informed that most of the vacating committee positions have received nominations and been accepted by those nominated. We still need you to consider for the remainder. At this time a list of the accepted ones is unavailable. signed Admin.
Letter from Joanne;
I have been reflecting on the situation of the dedicated band of people who are on the current committee, and would like to send out this heartfelt plea for help.We know that you all love the Gallery, what it stands for in the community, and how it has assisted many novice artists, to get ‘started’ in sharing their work with the public, and even making sales; opportunities which may previously have never entered their minds.
However, some of us on the Committee for the Gallery have been in their positions for many years now, and would welcome new members to take over. Several of us are now close to 80 years old, and although we are generally coping with our tasks, sometimes the lack of computer competency makes it more difficult to achieve the desired results. We feel that younger members with sharper memories, better eyesight, and more advanced computer skills would make the Gallery run even smoother than it does at present.
(The current members would be very happy to ‘coach’ anyone interested in a particular portfolio, and would then leave it for them to “make the job their own”.)
Even if you are unable to take on a position at the moment, please come along to the AGM, so that it is not just the usual ten committee members attending. There will be reports by the office bearers, as well as question time, and voting for the new committee, followed by supper.
The 10th Anniversary of the opening of our Gallery will be in February next year and we want to ensure that we will still be a viable and well-loved business by then. So please, search your hearts and see if you are able to take on a role in the running of the Gallery, allowing those who have served so diligently, to retire happily.
Message from BLOG admin (Dianne)
Thank you Joanne. Joanne has been publicity Officer in the past and has been the Roster Coodinator for several years, doing a fabulous job.
Our Secretary has advised me that she is resigning this year, Colleen has spent the last 2 years streamlining the Policies with the President, compiling a 'Recipe Book' as part of the 10year celebrations and so so much more so that future Incoming committee members will have an easier time in their role. A HUGE thank Colleen.The treasurer has had a very difficult year this year, managing her position with a very sick husband, while she herself having injured her arm making her task all the more difficult. We all wish both Ellen and her husband a much happier year next year and thank her for continuing despite all the setbacks.
I would like to say that as an X committee member, there has always been support and willingness of people to help, or even take over temporarily whilst others are on holiday or unwell.
These are just a few of the committee, who have, and are doing a fabulous job of keeping our gallery going so well. It must be said that without all your help we would not have a gallery worthy of supporting the arts as we do, or be the excellent visitor stop over that we are today.
Programme Coordinator: Responsible for the Galleries Exhibition Programme (Calendar) including Room Hire and approaching potential exhibitors.
Shop Co-ordinator: Responsible for the management of the gallery’s shop including maintaining inventory, rotating members’ hanging items and liaison with artists.
Newsletter editor: Needs computer skills and internet. Currently produced 2 weeks prior to new exhibitions.
G.H.S. Exhibition:Co-ordinator for the Gawler Health Service. Exhibition which is changed four times a year on the first Thursdays of March, June, September and December at Artists to meet in the main foyer of the hospital.
Hanging Team: also not a committee position, but very valuable to the appearance of the gallerys exhibtion rooms.
Others: stock-taking, display, cleaning, catering, flowers, photocopying, ensuring there is tea and coffee, cleaning items. Their help has been invaluable!
See you all again soon, Admin Dianne
Below are the Roles and Positions of the Committee
These may help you in your decision making to take on a position.,Roles of the Committee
President: Oversees the general running of the gallery and ensures that the mission and policies of the gallery are being pursued. Chairs the monthly meeting.Vice President/ Roster Coordinator: Stands in for the President when absent.
The Roster Coordinator:is responsible for the management of volunteers to man the gallery during opening hours from month to month. Needs computer skills and internet.
Treasurer: Manages all of the galleries financial needs including purchases, monthly meeting reports and ensuring our books are audited for the A.G.M. Responsible for paying out commissions to artists when work is sold in the gallery and shop.
Secretary: Handles the general administration of the gallery including management of the membership mailing list, compiling meeting agendas and recording minutes. Currently prepares necessary forms for member exhibitions and gallery run competitions.
Publicity: Responsible for spreading the word about the gallery including what it has to offer artists as well as publicizing current and up-coming exhibitions. This is done through press releases, liaison with local newspaper journalists, radio interviews and more.
The Roster Coordinator:is responsible for the management of volunteers to man the gallery during opening hours from month to month. Needs computer skills and internet.
Treasurer: Manages all of the galleries financial needs including purchases, monthly meeting reports and ensuring our books are audited for the A.G.M. Responsible for paying out commissions to artists when work is sold in the gallery and shop.
Secretary: Handles the general administration of the gallery including management of the membership mailing list, compiling meeting agendas and recording minutes. Currently prepares necessary forms for member exhibitions and gallery run competitions.
Publicity: Responsible for spreading the word about the gallery including what it has to offer artists as well as publicizing current and up-coming exhibitions. This is done through press releases, liaison with local newspaper journalists, radio interviews and more.
Programme Coordinator: Responsible for the Galleries Exhibition Programme (Calendar) including Room Hire and approaching potential exhibitors.
Shop Co-ordinator: Responsible for the management of the gallery’s shop including maintaining inventory, rotating members’ hanging items and liaison with artists.
Newsletter editor: Needs computer skills and internet. Currently produced 2 weeks prior to new exhibitions.
G.H.S. Exhibition:Co-ordinator for the Gawler Health Service. Exhibition which is changed four times a year on the first Thursdays of March, June, September and December at Artists to meet in the main foyer of the hospital.
Other Important Roles throughout the gallery which assist and enhance those of the committee
The Gallery’s Blog: is not considered a committee position, never the less an important one which needs computer skills.Hanging Team: also not a committee position, but very valuable to the appearance of the gallerys exhibtion rooms.
Others: stock-taking, display, cleaning, catering, flowers, photocopying, ensuring there is tea and coffee, cleaning items. Their help has been invaluable!
See you all again soon, Admin Dianne
25 September 2015
Reminders Exhibitions and Planning
Latest Exhibition Openings
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Opening Speeches |
Until the 1st of November there are the following Exhibitions running at The Gawler Community Gallery.
Melinda Radus and Sue Broady present ‘Spectrum’.
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by sue Broady |
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by melinda Radus |
This is a first for Mother and Daughter, putting together a shared exhibition at the Gawler Community Gallery. Originally from the USA, they are now local, from Sampson Flat. (and yes they were affected by the fires last summer).
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by Melinda Radus |
They will exhibit paintings in a variety of mediums and styles, covering several themes.
There will be lovely animals in Charcoal, flowers in Watercolour and more.
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by Sue Broady |
Art runs in the family, as along with her Mother, Melinda’s Grandmother and an Aunt are also artists. We wish them well as we do all our participating artists.
Again we welcome Textile Artist, Yvonne Jaunay from ‘Murray Bridge’.
Her exhibition titled "Cloth, Paper +" is in the “Red Hen” room at the Gallery, this time her work will include felting, silk printing, dye-ing, some prints, paper items and Jewelry relating to the title. Such talent and diversity needs to be seen. Yvonne has studied these mediums, at Marden College, and others in the Adelaide area, as well as interstate.
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The Textplorer group |
'Texplorers' is a group of ten Textile Artists from in and around Gawler, they present “Out of the Blue”, showing a variety of pieces resulting from a day of' Indigo dye-ing of fabric and threads', using many time-honoured techniques.
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Textplorer Exhibition |
They have produced very interesting patterns and designs. There are wall-hangings, canvasses, scarves, cushions, cards, covered journals and much more, all following the ”blue” theme.
Local artist Clue, is celebrating 10 years of exhibiting at the ‘Gawler Community Gallery’.
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Carol Clue |
This latest exhibition of hers titled ‘Salmagundi’, aptly describes her versatility in the Arts, as it means ‘A medley of anything.
She will present several works in various art mediums with a percentage of sales being donated to Carol’s favourite charity the ‘RFDS’ - ‘Royal Flying Doctor Service’.
Congratulations Carol on 10 years supporting the arts at the Gawler Community Gallery.
3 August 2015
S.A.L.A and More
What's On! What's Coming!
S.A.L.A. Is now running and there are so many events happening all across South Australia, for even more information see-, and, Adelaide , Northern Areas.

Here at 'The Gawler Community Gallery' are new Exhibitions starting next week and running throughout the S.A.L.A Festival. see the previous blog for details or go to our Exhibition Calendar.
Find directions to 'The Gawler Community Gallery, at Where Is we are way to find.
Don't forget that 'AMITY', 'Gawler Art Society' and Julia Mannix' student Mosaics' are still on until the 9th of August.
26 July 2015
Request From Committee
Following are Portions of an email;
quoted as sent to the committee a few days ago.
Please read, and where interested in taking part, follow the links provided.
I understand that this strategy is to benefit the Arts community in Gawler so your input would be very much appreciated. There is also a poster for this, you will need to follow the link below.
I have just completed the survey, it is easy to do and your privacy is, I believe, quite safe as you are not asked for personal information.
Regards, Admin Dianne.
"we would love to get as many people as possible completing the survey and attending the public sessions."
I understand that this strategy is to benefit the Arts community in Gawler so your input would be very much appreciated. There is also a poster for this, you will need to follow the link below.
I have just completed the survey, it is easy to do and your privacy is, I believe, quite safe as you are not asked for personal information.
Regards, Admin Dianne.
"I am just following up from our very brief conversation the other day regarding catching up with the Gawler Community, Gawler Arts and Culture Strategy."
"Just to give you a little bit more information…. The Gawler Council has recruited myself and another colleague - Leonie Boothby to develop an arts and culture strategic plan for Gawler. As part of the process for developing this plan we are talking with a range of people from the community about current arts activity and resources and what type of support, resources and activities you would like to see in the future."
I expect that the Community Gallery has tirelessly supported the development of hundreds of exhibitions over the years and there would be an extensive network of artists that have benefitted from the work that you do. As people who are interested in the Arts and who actively volunteer with a key arts organisation in Gawler, we would very much value your opinion and like to hear what your thoughts and ideas are.
"We are having some public meetings to talk about this also, which I have provided more information about below, but we are keen to personally consult with the Gallery Committee / Members if at all possible."
"We are also presenting a couple of public consultation sessions which your committee or the gallery visitors might be interested in attending -
the flyer attached provides you with all the details.
There is also an online survey that you can fill out - here is the link to it - <>."
Maz McGann
Consultant // Facilitator // Adviser
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