Easter and Change is in the Air
GCG would like to wish you all a Very Happy Easter, I hope you have had lovely weather for getting out and about on this long week end as we have here in Gawler.
The current round of exhibitions is about to end and the new ones are in the process of being hung in readiness for Grand Openings next weekend. They will run from 9th April to 17th May 2015.
The 'Open Photographic Exhibition', Opening Ceremony will be held at 2 pm on 11th April.
There is a $100 book voucher for ‘Best in Exhibition, and also Prizes for the Runner-Up, and a Peoples Choice Award.
The 'Open History Exhibition' will open on: Opening Ceremony is at 2 pm Sunday 12th April.
There will be a Peoples' Choice prize awarded at the end of the Exhibition period, so we ask you all to collect a voting slip and vote for your favourite artwork.
'Hippy Divas' Exhibition by Portia Stanton-Noble and Pamela Zanker.
This is a joint exhibition presented by two artists who are also good friends. The theme for this exhibition is a celebration of independent women from hippies to Divas.
Portia has taken a series of photographs from local areas around Springton, Eden Valley and Gumeracha capturing moments set in the past and present, for the future. In a sense this is also a history exhibition. Portia says- “ I have a lot of vintage clothing which I have put to good use for this series, and I enjoy taking photos of people in unexpected situations”. We all look forward to seeing her work.
Pamelas artwork has been inpired and influenced by many people, among them are “Coco Chanel. Picasso and John Waterhouse.
First Prize. Mothers Day Raffle. |
Our Mothers Day Raffle is currently selling, and selling well. This year we have 3 prizes and they all contain some Wine, perfume, glassware and chocolate. What better incentive to get a ticket.
Pick yours up now at The Gawler Community Gallery, only $1.00 per ticket and drawn on Mother's Day.
Thank you to Laura and Gayl for organising the raffle and our volunteers for their donations.