12 December 2013

Forthcoming Exhibitions

"Three Well Know Australians"

Opening On: Thursday January 16th, Closing on Sunday February 23rd.
Grand Opening:  Sunday January 19th 2014 at 2pm.
To be opened by: M.P. Mr Tony Piccollo.
Free Entry,  All welcome.

Who Are: the "Three Well Known Australians", in this painting? 
Hundreds of thousands, of Australians have been trying to guess this since 1983. 
This is a special painting, coming to Gawler in January 2014, as part of a unique travelling exhibition that has been to galleries all around Australia over the past 30 years!
Sydney artist, Martin Shaw, asks those who see the picture -“Three Well Known Australians”, to attempt to name the three prominent Australians he has depicted in his painting. 
Some of Australia’s most prominent citizens have responded to the challenge, including our Prime Minister Tony Abbot, who wrote his response to the painting 20 years ago.
All their responses, comments and letters will be on display as part of the exhibition, and YOU the viewing public are invited to be a part of this, by participating in a special historic and cultural adventure, and making your best guess as to who these Famous Aussies may be. 
People’s comments have been compiled into yearbooks since 1983 and these will also be on display  for you to view. ( No doubt there will be a lot of interesting guesses and comments listed)
You can’t afford to miss seeing this very special & different event in the Art World!  It’s curious, humourous, mysterious and entertaining.
  • This is not the only new Exhibition holding it's opening on January 19th. We will also have Two other important artists opening their exciting new combined exhibition. 
 Shirley Phillips   &   Brian Cabrera  
                       present                               Dreams and Gothic Interpretations

Shirley works with Silk painting and machine embroidery, the samples above of her work are just fascinating.  Brian works with wood and glaze, his work is amazing. His work represents visual interpretations of the past, and unfortunately I only have this one clear picture of his detailed work, however it does show his mastery of woodworking and it is obvious that he will have a range of quality pieces in this exhibition.
This will certainly be an exceptional Exhibition, not to be missed.

The Committee look forward to seeing & meeting visitors to our first & special Exhibitions for 2014. 

17 November 2013


Raffle value is approximately $200.00 for, 1st Prize. 2nd Prize around $40.00 & 3rd Prize around $20.00

We rely on our Volunteers to donate goods for our raffles and therefore all Values are aproximate, thank you.

Tickets are $1.00 each, they are available at the Gallery Shop or via any of our Members so if you know one of them ask for tickets.
First Prize - Hamper

2nd Prize: Organiser/Compendium

2013 Christmas Raffle will be drawn on the 15th of December at the Gallery, the Winner will then be notified and I will place the notification on here also a few days later.

3rd Prize: Writing Set & pen plus.

We hold only a few raffles per year which help us to continue in our efforts to bring you a Gallery that has regular FANTASTIC NEW Exhibitions, every 6 weeks, which consist of a WIDE variety of beautiful Art work from VERY TALENTED local Artists.

We are a Community  Art Gallery ENTIRELY run & STAFFED by VOLUNTEERS, without whose efforts there would be no Gallery in Gawler.

We welcome all the support of our volunteers and Visitors alike, and would like to wish Everyone "A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON. 



First Prize goes to: L. Rogers
Second Prize goes to: M. Chenaghn
Third Prize goes to: R. Brook

Congratulations to ALL our Winners, we hope you enjoy your goodies,
from all the Volunteers at The Gawler Community Gallery.

16 November 2013

Current Exhibitions & Openings

November 3rd - December 15th  2013

CHRISTMAS  PRESENTS:-  suitable  for  ANYONE  in  your  FAMILY,  from  Children  to  Adult.    



The Overland  & Ghan  - Exhibition Room 

Title: "Members Exhibition" By: Current Members

             We have a great variety of Art & Artists represented in this exhibition, amongst them are Heather Garfield, Carol Clue, Ron Brook, Lorraine Winchester, Ellen Steyne and many more.                          
There is everything from Abstract & Realism done in Acrylic, Oils, Watercolour & Textiles. There is a fantastic variety of technique & styles and sizes to choose from.


Red Hen - Exhibition Room

Title: "Pete's Drums & More" By: Peter Thompson

Pete makes the most fantastic drums from pig skins and new & recycled materials, he is also a very good artist painting Abstract in Oils, so come along and see the variety of work that he produses. Again these would make great gifts.


Tea & Sugar  - Exhibition Room

Title: "Our Christmas Shop"  By: members who regularly sell their work in our Gallery Shop.

This year we have a great variety of small & medium gift lines available for Children & young Pre-Teens, as we have had a lot of requests for such items.
We have Christmas cards by several of our clever Artisans. Christmas cake covers to keep you lovely cakes fresh, by Laura & other Xmas themed pieces including paintings of lovely Snowmen by Thelma Kirkwood.
 We have also got Childrens paintings, Child Bracelets & Earrings, (also some with Xmas themes), by Dianne Vagg.   Hand Puppets by Colleen, Gorgeous Owl Cushions by Joanne and Key hanging Plaques by RonBrook.

There is a lot of otherTextile work, also by several Artists, gift/greeting cards, other Jewellery for adults includes - regular & modern resin, and much more.

Our Main Shop

has many Paintings, Pottery, Jewellery, wooden beads & much more, ALL suitable as Christmas Gifts.
Look under Shop News for more Fantastic Christmas Information.

Don't forget to come and visit us soon, while there are still lots of choices available

8 November 2013

Gallery News

We now have a  comments  section for you so please feel free to leave us a message.  Note: you need to go into the "News Archive" on the left of screen, select the Month, then select a Heading, the comments start as from November 2013. Many thanks for your interest management.


The 2013 A.G.M ran smoothly, with all committee members standing down & the New Committee being chosen, accepted & seconded into the minutes, following the reading of  the 2012 minutes, and reports from the outgoing committee.
I am pleased to convey that the incoming committee members for 2014 are as follows:
President - Mr Ron Brook,  No Email available.
Vice President & Roster Manager - Joanne Hughes, Email: kenjo@internode.on.net
Treasurer - Ellen Steyne, Email; estyne@bigpond.com
Secretary -  Colleen Gates, Email; gordon.gates@hotmail.com
Publicity Officer - Judy Ferguson, Email; dfe44720@bigpond.net.au
Shop Manager  & Blog - Dianne Vagg, Email; djvagg@bigpond.net.au
Exhibition Program Coordinator/Curator & Face Book - Thelma Kirkwood, Email; atkirk@bigpond.comEmail; 
Gawler Health Service (GHS) Coordinator - Sue Olds, Email; crolds@bigpond.com
Extra Committee Member - Mrs Sylvia Bolding, who has kindly agreed to be minute taker & assist the Secretary.

Out going Committee

On behalf of ALL Gallery members I would like to say a BIG thank you to all our retiring Committee members for doing such a great job during 2013, with special thanks to long standing David Arandle who did a wonderful job managing many roles, squeezing them in with his very busy private life.
David was not only our Secretary, but also, managed Hanging of Exhibitions, Membership Renewal, Organising & sending out Exhibition Invitations, was Editor of our Newsletter & also implemented & ran both Web site & Blog pages which were linked. Now that he has stood down David has reorganised these pages to make it easier for us all to follow.
We now just have the Blog which he has also given a face lift with a fresh new look which is much more inviting to the public and easier to read.

Shrouded in Blue
For All on the outgoing Committee, it has been very busy all year, making improvements to our lovely Gallery. Early in the year the whole building received a face lift both inside & out, with a few hiccups along the way. With the building maintenance program we were shrouded in blue for around 4 weeks while the Roof was replaced & the Walls pressure washed.
small section of Shop
All has since been sorted and we moved on to creating an office upstairs which meant that we have been able to make the Shop much less crowded & a much nicer place for the public to come into.
With a lot of hard work from a lot of people we have been able to ensure that the Gallery's sales in all areas is up from last year. This is despite the fact that initially exhibition sales were down and both shop sales and visitor entry numbers into the shop had been well down early in the year.
set up of Stall
With all the new improvements our visitor numbers into the shop increased substantially again. We also ran a stall, more or less a last minute thing which we were invited to do by "The Heritage Cafe" as part of their opening activities.
  We placed one of our sandwich board signs down near the Lions Markets entry, which brought a lot of people up to the Gallery, having a good look around. There was a lot of great feed back that day & most people had still not realised that there was a Gallery here.


There have been a number of people making an extra effort to spread the word about our beautiful Gallery,  as well as our appointed Publicity Officer, Joanne Hughes, who did a Brilliant job of getting us into the local papers no less than 52 times this year.
M.P. Tony Picollo's Window
These include: the Bunyip, Messenger & Tony Picollos's own Newsletter, & on the Council Web site. Two Radio Stations at both Kapunda & Salisbury every 6 weeks.  Kerry Barret sent the photos in to the Art &  Social pages for us too.
Joanne also organised mini exhibitions set up in M.P Tony Picollo's Office window, we had good mention in the SALA magazine & were involved in the Gawler Art Trail with 8 other venues, which was a first for the town and I believe very successful.
Thelma has been looking after the Gallery's Face Book page, and with increasing posts & information throughout the year has managed to build our "Likers" ( which are people who are following what we do) up from the low 40's to now 107 with interest on the up & up. Well done Thelma and good luck with next years continued successes. https://www.facebook.com/GawlerCommunityGallery?fref=ts   
Myself (Dianne) have been writing up the Blog, then "sharing" it to Face Book & Google pages, also on my Art page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Priity-Bits-Jewellery-Life-Style-Art/363149350478723?ref=hl  and our Amity page,  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Amity-6-Friends-Art-Adelaide/532249873498617?ref=hl    I have also managed to get information on another Face Book page called "Gawler Happenings" which promotes all things going on around Gawler, they have been most supportive.  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gawler-Happenings/348637148483781?fref=ts
The last page I found is one called "Around You.com" this is an Australia wide web page which promotes all sorts of things, you simply select the State & the town you want and choose a subject you wish to see or visit, to find out what is on in that area on any given wee, having first put in your post code.  (It is great for both locals & tourists alike.) I recommend you go and have a look at this one.  http://www.aroundyou.com.au/adelaide/north-adelaide/
We also periodically share information with Clare Rotary,  https://www.facebook.com/ClareRotaryArtExhibition?fref=ts   Kapunda Gallery, via Maxine Donald, who has been involved with our Gallery in the past.                Port Community Art centre at Port Adelaide,               https://www.facebook.com/pages/Port-Community-Arts-Centre/104390476293802?fref=ts   &  The General store Community Art Group at MtBarker.    https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStoreCommunityArtGroupInc?hc_location=timeline

So you see we are spreading the word far and wide to promote your Gallery and wonderful Art works.

Happy Reading, good night I will see you all soon, cheers Dianne.

4 November 2013

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2013

The Gallery's Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2013 is to be held this Thursday, November 7th, from 12pm at the Criterion Hotel (opposite the Gallery).

The function will also double as our annual members Christmas get together. So come along and hear some great reports from your committee on the year just gone, see who our new committee for 2014 will be then stay for lunch and conversation (from 1pm).

All the documents you'll need for the AGM can be found on the Documents page of this website. You'll mostly need to print out just the Agenda. Only print out the minutes of the previous year's AGM if there is an item or issue within them that you wish to raise at this years AGM and need them to refer to.

If you'd like to nominate for a committee position then print out a nomination form and return it to either the Secretary or Returning Officer at the meeting on the day.

If you have any questions about the AGM or would like to RSVP your attendance (or submit an apology if you can't be there) email the secretary at etourist@arttimeproductions.com

We look forward to your attendance.

19 October 2013

Shop Updates



As this was only implemented last month I am putting out a little reminder for you all. We are now Changing ALL stock over on a 4 monthly basis, which means you only need to come in 4 times a year if you wish.
This is to make life easier & more convenient for all who place their art & craft work into the shop on consignment.
Now you need only  remember ONE date for All your items instead of TWO.
While 4 months is the maximum time for consignments you are free to change your stock over at any time prior to the due date.

 Lost Property box

There are a couple of items in our Lost Property box at present. Please check the next time youa are in if you have lost something of significance.

Christmas Raffle 

Donations for our Raffle are now being called for, so if you can help out with something that is suitable for Christmas that would be very much appreciated. Just leave it at the Gallery to be added to our Hamper. If we get enough we may be able to give more prizes which would be lovely. Some ideas are; Christmas Ornaments, Cards, something for Children (a book perhaps) etc. preferably no Perishables & NO Chocolate as unfortunately even though we are all adicted it will only melt with our summer heat.

Volunteer Social Days are held on: The First Thursday of each Month.

Colleen Gates our Shop Co-ordinator, is Hosting Social Days in the Blue Bird
room Upstairs. From .1.pm til 4pm. 
You can drop in for as little or as long as you like, for a coffee and chat session, catch up with other members, meet people you only know by name, bring a friend & encourage New membership. 
No need to RSVP but if you wish to let Colleen know your coming Ph: 8252 3564 or via email: gordon.gates@hotmail.com  I am sure she would like to know that you will be dropping by. 

18 October 2013


2013 -14 AGM

Diary Note: for Thursday 7th November 2013

Our AGM will be held at the Criterion Hotel which is just across the road from the Gallery. The meeting will start promptly at 12 Noon, & Lunch is expected to be from 1.pm.
As this usually doubles as our end of year social event ALL Members are welcome to stay, and  indeed are encouraged to do so.  (If you cannot make The AGM just come for Lunch, or alteratively if you cannot stay for Lunch please try to get along for the AGM) We look forward to seeing you there to enjoy a little socialising with your volunteer buddies.
For those who do not regularly take roster duty, this is a great opportunity to meet new people or catch up with those whom you have not seen for some time.
It is also a great way to find out just what has been taking place at your Gallery during the past 12 months.
Please R.S.V.P to the Secretary, David Arandle by either Emailing him at  etourist@arttimeproductions.com  or phoning him on 73292418
If you have any food allergies I suggest you contact them to see if they can accomodate your needs. Ph: 85221922 

If you are considering Nominating for a position on the Committee, OR if you wish to Nominate someone else, you will find the forms on our page here under "Documents" at the top of the page.
Also if you wish to find out a little more about individual committee positions they can be found under "Management" also at the top of the page and in the current Newsletter. for more details contact any of the committee members themselves they are very happy to help you.

I look forward to seeing you there, Dianne

Other Breaking News

The WEB site is going to be gradually fased out and this page - Our BLOG will take over. As you can see already there have been significant improvement made to this page.
It is a lot easier to read & looks fresh & more modern. Our Blog address remains the same. http://gawlergallery.blogspot.com.au/

Next GHS (Gawler Health Service) Exhibition Change Over

The next change over day is Wednesday December 4 at 2pm. Meet in the main foyer. If you have not shown your paintings here before you are very welcome to join in. It is a maximum of 2 per person as space in the Hospital is limited. It does however provide the Staff & Patients lovely coridors to walk down. All paintings are for Sale and while we have not had a lot we have had Sales. It is another way to get your work out there being talked about. If you are aleady a member of the Gallery there is not extra charge. 
Artwork submission forms can be downloaded from our Blog under Documents at the top of the page. Contact Sue Olds for more information ph: 8525 2590 Email: crolds@bigpond.com

Workshop Space

The gallery office (upstairs Blue Bird room) is now available to members wishing to hold small workshops for up to eight people. The room is free for members and
available at a negotiated price to non members. For more informationt or to book the room, contact program Coordinator, Thelma Kirkwood on 8254 2886 or email:atkirk@bigpond.com    Note: the room is unavailable on the first Thursday of each month.

Current Exhibitions & Openings

September 26th - November 3rd

First let me apologize for the lateness of this update (personal reasons)
It is "Textiles" month and in honor of this we have 3 Rooms dedicated to all things fabric related.

The Official Openings of these Exhibitions took place on the 29th of September.


Red Hen Room  - Exhibition Room                                       Title: "Fabricadabra"                        

The Gawler Texplorer members,  Gem Congdon, Joanne Hughes, Kerrie Head,  Liz Collinge, Linda Pyne, Veronica Martin, Sue Olds, Steph Eland & Pat Low.

These lovely Ladies have put together a fabulous exhibition which includes - stamping, printing, embroidery, beading & machine stitching on hand dyed fabrics. There is a lovely range of Quilted Wall Hangings, Covered Books, & Little Animals, to name a few.

Tea & Sugar Room - Exhibition Room                            Title: "Variety The Spice Of Life"    


Carol Clue has yet again put together an exhibition which is definitely FULL of variety.

 She has included, Acrylics, watercolour, photography, Hand Printing & Textiles.

 A lot her work this time has been inspired by recent trips to both The Flinders Ranges & Melbourne.

The Overland  & Ghan  - Exhibition Rooms
Title: "Emergence Of Culture"

 Along with  Jelina Haines, Joan Gibbs, Jo Wake & Liz Collinge are included in this exhibition of exceptional quality. 
 This group have put together a real Feast for the Eyes. There are Little Butterfly Headbands, shawls, Felted Jewellery.

I have included a few photos to get those creative juices demanding to see what is  on offer, and it is entirely possible that I have missed some items in my listings, so you had better pop along and see these exhibitions for yourselves.
Just a reminder: Entry is FREE for all, however as we are run entirely by volunteers if you can spare a gold coin donation that would help our upkeep no end, Many Tanks for all your continued support.

20 September 2013

Face Book Find

Hi all I found this little story from "Bethbury Millinery" on Face Book, and thought you would all as Artist out there appreciate it's content.
It is a representation of our never ending efforts in our cause for creating the Best work that we can.

19 September 2013

Gallery News

Since the Office has moved upstairs we have seen quite a BiG improvement to the numbers of people visiting us, these numbers also include several people who have never been to the Gallery before. Well done All !!!  This, as the writer, is I am sure, as a result of not only all our improvements this year, but also due to all the hard work put in to promoting our wonderful Gallery by it's Board & Members.


As Christmas quickly creeps up on us our time becomes more & more limited, what with The Pageant, Family & Work Party's, which always seem to come ALL at once.
It is NEVER too early to start a project for our Christmas Exhibition, thinking caps on, go looking for inspiration. I'm sure we will have lots of Fantastic Entries.

  •  It will run from the 7th November to the 15th of December. we then have our closure days and it will continue on until the 12th of January 2014.
  • This runs in line with the Christmas shop which will also extend for the same dates.

Exhibition Entry Forms are NOW available from the Gallery, so collect one the next time you are on roster or pop  in and pick one up.

I will add new posts after the next round of Exhibitions Open which is on the 26th September.

There will soon be more information regarding the AGM scheduled for the 7th of November. Once everything has been locked in we will let you know.

In the mean time,
Spread the word about our wonderful Gallery, & above ALL Enjoy Your Creativity. 
Cheers from Dianne

Shop Updates

From Colleen & Dianne

BIG CHANGES - For ALL members.

 To avoid confusion regarding ALL Consignment Stock in the shop we have decided to ALTER  the CHANGE OVER DATE for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.

Effective Immediately, ALL Stock Items are to be changed over every 4 MONTHS !
You MAY change your stock rotation more frequently if desired !

The Added Bonus are;
We have done this so that you only need to remember the ONE date in future as there have been quite a few people forgetting to do their changes.
 Now there need only be 4 changes for the year.
(Just remember to mark your Calendar/Diary at home.)

It is also acceptable for regular Roster members to change over their stock on the next, or previous sitting to their change date, so you don't need to make that extra trip into Gawler for those who do not live close by.

It is NOT a quarterly change it is just as your current term expires so that the shop curator & volunteers are not overloaded with lots of changes all at once.

We see this as further streamlining the operation of the shop and hope that you all accept the changes as a positive thing, many thanks Colleen & Dianne.


You may have notice several changes over the last few months, among them are several  TITLED sections for specific items. Currently they are; "The Accessory Bay", "Pottery Place" & "Kids Corner", if we/or you, think of others we may decide to add more.
By doing this though we need to make sure that the APPROPRIATE stock is in each section.


We have had a few comments recently in the shop about NOT having anything little for kiddies to buy or for people to give kiddies as gifts.

"Land Before Time" by Dianne Vagg
Sooooo:  PLEASE consider making or painting a few items to help overcome this oversight. It is not something that we have considered before, however as we DO  have a shop it is only natural that the public could expect us to try and cover all age groups and tastes where we can.

Colleen has been knitting some little people & I myself have included some children's jewellery, to get us started.
We are now putting out a call to our talented artistic members to come up with one or two special somethings ranging from  a few $'s to help us in this area, & if you can make it something that is "specifically" your style, then all the better.

Kiddies Bracelets by Dianne & Priity Bits Jewellery

And On That Note, leads me into "THE CHRISTMAS SHOP" which we will be having again this year.

 Starting on: 7th of November, along with the next round of Exhibitions and running until January 12th 2014 including our closure dates over the Holiday period. (these will be advised soon)

It is now time to put thinking caps on and come up with items suitable as Christmas Gifts or Stocking Fillers. 
Lets make it a really successful one this year by telling ALL you friends & Family, and if you are on Face Book, Twitter or other media, spread the word that way too.

I have included the only photos I have to give you some inspiration, so Happy Creating everyone.

We will be holding a Christmas Raffle again this year and would like to call upon your previous generosity and ask you to please donate something for it so we can make some very special prizes for the lucky winners to be.

We now have a NEW vacuum cleaner, most of you probably know this by now. However if not I am pleased to say that when fully charged it will clean the whole Gallery from top to bottom, and is So, So easy to use. Especially compared to sweeping up. If you have any problems with operating it feel free to contact Dianne Vagg, her number is on the Roster.


The buzzer push is located in the Notice Board lower Right hand corner, and the inside component is plugged into the power near Kiddies Corner. Access is via the  door in our old shop.

Exhibition Program

Program Update September to December 2013   

September 26th - November 3rd

Tea & Sugar Room Carol Clue,                                    Title: "Variety The Spice Of Life"
Red Hen Room  - Gawler Texplorers,                                    Title: "Fabricadabra" There are 8 people involved in this exhibition.
Overland Room  - Jelina Haines.                                              Title: "Emergence Of Culture" and 3 other people
Ghan Room  -Also  Jelina Haines,  As Above. 

November 7th - Dec 15th

Tea & Sugar Room - Gallery Christmas Shop
Red Hen Room - Peter Thompson,                                        Title: "Pete's Drums & More"
Overland Room - Gawler Gallery Members exhibition
Ghan Room - Gawler Gallery Members Exhibition

Note: Any adjustments to the Calender will be advised as they occur, thank you.

8 August 2013

Shop Updates

From Colleen & Dianne at The Shop 

Today at the Gallery is at least the 2nd week in a row that we have had a decent number of visitors through the door. Numbers appear to be on the up & up, YEAH....  (A BIG well done to ALL our Helpers)

Wheel Chair Access now has a DOOR BELL placed in the Lower Left of our Notice Board, just outside the door on the veranda, (many thanks to Colleen & Gordon for donating that) It is plugged into a power socket in the shop. 

We now have a new Vacuum and it is a pleasure to use, especially on the stairs, SOOO much safer.  

The Shop is looking HOT, HOT, HOT,  come on down and have a look, purchase a gift for that special someone, we now have a FANTASTIC range of items available at  VERY reasonable prices.

Everything from: paintings, framed & mounted, Pottery- plates, humorous miniatures, Egg cups, mini pots, Large pots, Wind Chimes ( Just Gorgeous)

 Silk & wool Scarves & Hats, Miniature Paintings, Book Marks, Gift Cards, Blank Cards for Birthdays etc, 

Jewellery for the Adults & the Children- Bracelets & kits, Earrings, & Necklaces. 
I have probably forgotten something, the list seems endless. It is FABULOUS to see so many of our Members supporting the Gallery Shop and their Gallery so well.

We have made so many changes recently and everything is coming together very nicely. We now have - "Pottery Place" for all our pottery to be grouped together where it looks FAB,

"Kids Corner" obviously for Childrens' items and 

"Accessory Bay" for extraneous items such as Jewellery, Scarves, Coat Hangers & more.

 I hope you all enjoyed our little Expose' of  The Gawler Community Gallery Shop this week, we would love to see you and hear how you like us, Cheers Dianne

7 August 2013

Current Exhibitions & Openings

August/September & SALA

There will be  TWO NEW exhibitions during             August /September.
Exhibition duration is: 15th August - 22nd September.

SALA runs from 2nd August - 25th August, with many venues all across Adelaide & Regional areas, so there is loads to see & do.

Here at The Gawler Community Gallery we have our usual supply of ever changing, interesting quality Art works available for ALL to see.
Entry is FREE and YES we DO have DISABLED access to our Downstairs rooms and a photographic display for you in the Shop, so NO-ONE need miss out.

"Red Hen" Exhibition Room:
Titled: 'Baby Love'  by Sherry Spendlove.
This is a collection of "Reborn Baby Dolls", they are all hand-crafted and made with loving care by Sherry.  (These beautiful babies are Sooo Life Like). It is like walking into the Nursery!
Sherry gave her room a final tweak today to present it at its very best. A room with a lovely welcoming atmosphere.
Sherry has had a lovely write up in The Bunyip Newspaper a couple of weeks ago. If you would like to view the article feel free to visit their online pages.    

Tea & Sugar Exhibition Room:
Titled: 'Fragments OF Nature' by Sharyn Sinclair, who comes from Freeling.
from- Fragments Of Nature.
This is a vibrant exhibition with lovely LARGE paintings of beautiful bright
flowers and African animals in a range of mediums. A MUST see.

In the "Overland" Exhibition Room:
Titled: "Futher Along The Path"
Artist Quartet -Ron Brooks, Bob McCance, Kath O'Connor & Jan Harman from the "Truro Art Group" will be continuing their Exhibition which encompasses a variety of beautiful Australian Landscapes, Birds, Celtic designs and others.
from- Further Along The Path.

All the work from the above exhibitions is for Sale, however, the following exhibition is a Retrospective and is for your viewing pleasure only               
(NOT for SALE)

The Ghan Exhibition Room: 
Retrospective Of Quilts, by Annette McCrae. These quilts are for viewing pleasure only and not for sale. Annette (herself a local quilter), has been collecting these quilts over the past 30 years.         Some of which have been shown in Galleries & Museums in the U.S.A

Unfortunately I have no photos to entice you from the Retrospective Exhibition  Of Quilts, but rest assured it is as beautiful as last months was.

For further information on these Exhibitions please do not hesitate to contact Joanne Hughes who is our very accomplished Publicity Officer.
Ph: 8524 8213 or 0423 879 963
Sherry taking a break & chatting with Shop Coordinator Colleen Gates (center), & volunteer Carol Clue, in our Entry passage which is also part of the Gallery Shop.

Gallery News

News Letter due soon

The next newsletter is due out soon and when it arrives I will pass on all the relevant updates.
There will be news about the forthcoming AGM, so keep that in mind and perhaps consider taking on a role this time around. There will be plenty of support if you have never held a committee position before.

Some of the Exhibitions from July/ August, will cross over during SALA  and new ones will come in for August September. This means that unlike other years we will have up to 6 Exhibitions occurring throughout SALA.

29 July 2013

Committee Expose'

ARE YOU COMMITTED TO YOUR GALLERY ?                    How Can YOU Help Run YOUR Gallery?

This is to be an EXPOSE' of the Gawler Community Gallery Committee & the positions held to aid in it's everyday running.

The following positions are filled for 2013 by these people, many of whom will need to retire at the AGM due in November, some for personal reason, others because they have been on the Committee for many years and feel the need for a change.
President: Judy Ferguson
Vice President: N/A
Secretary: David Arandle
Hanging Team Manager: David Arandle
Newsletter Editor:  David Arandle
Web Site & Blog:  David Arandle, & Dianne Vagg
Treasurer: Ellen Steyn
Program Calendar Coordinator: Filling Exhibition rooms: Thelma Kirkwood
Face Book: Thelma Kirkwood+
Roster: Joanne Hughes
Publicity Officer: Joanne Hughes
Shop Coordinator: Colleen Gates
GHS- Gawler Hospital Service: Sue Olds
Shop Assistant: Dianne Vagg

Committee Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 10 AM.
AGM Forms will be sent out during September/October this year.

It is time to consider if you would like to take more part in the running of your Gallery. If you have any questions please contact the person whose role you are interested in.
At least 5 positions will need to be filled for 2014, and now is not too soon to start thinking about it.
Why not sit in on a meeting? The next one is Thursday 1st August, 10am, at the Gallery.

Something to consider:  
NO Committee = No Gallery.
We ALL have worked TOO hard over the years for that to happen.
It is always difficult filling these positions, however the out going members are MORE than willing to assist any new comers to their roles.

Some of the positions being Vacated are:  President,   Secretary,   Programme Coordinator, Gawler Health Service Coordinator (this is the exhibtion that changes over every 3 months at the Hospital)  We are not sure about the Roster yet.

23 July 2013

Exhibition Program for remainder of 2013

Exhibition Program For July to December 2013

July 4th - 11th August

Tea & Sugar Room - Gawler Art Society, Title: "Extending The Boundaries"
Red Hen RoomAnnette McCrae & Marilyn Tucker Title; "Return From Beaujolais"
Overland Room  Ron Brook, Bob McCance Jan Harman Kath O'Connor,  Title; "Further Along The Path"
Ghan Room"TheMexettes", presented by:  Annette McCrae & Marilyn Tucker, Title; "Beautiful Australia".

August 15th - September 22nd

Tea & Sugar  Room - Sharyn Sinclair, Title: TBA
Red Hen  Room - Sherry Spendlove, Title: TBA
Overland Room  -  empty - available for hire
Ghan Room  -    empty - available for hire

September 26th - November 3rd

Tea & Sugar Room Carol Clue, Title: TBA
Red Hen Room  - Gawler Texplorers, Title: TBA
Overland Room  - Jelina Haines. Title: TBA
Ghan Room  - Jelina Haines, Title: TBA

November 7th - Dec 15th

Tea & Sugar Room - Gallery Christmas Shop
Red Hen Room - Peter Thompson, Title: Petes Drums & More
Overland Room - Gawler Gallery Members exhibition
Ghan Room - Gawler Gallery Members Exhibition

Note: Any adjustments to the Calender will be advised as they occur, thank you.