2013 -14 AGM
Diary Note: for Thursday 7th November 2013
Our AGM will be held at the Criterion Hotel which is just across the road from the Gallery. The meeting will start promptly at 12 Noon, & Lunch is expected to be from 1.pm.As this usually doubles as our end of year social event ALL Members are welcome to stay, and indeed are encouraged to do so. (If you cannot make The AGM just come for Lunch, or alteratively if you cannot stay for Lunch please try to get along for the AGM) We look forward to seeing you there to enjoy a little socialising with your volunteer buddies.
It is also a great way to find out just what has been taking place at your Gallery during the past 12 months.
Please R.S.V.P to the Secretary, David Arandle by either Emailing him at etourist@arttimeproductions.com or phoning him on 73292418
If you have any food allergies I suggest you contact them to see if they can accomodate your needs. Ph: 85221922
If you are considering Nominating for a position on the Committee, OR if you wish to Nominate someone else, you will find the forms on our page here under "Documents" at the top of the page.
Also if you wish to find out a little more about individual committee positions they can be found under "Management" also at the top of the page and in the current Newsletter. for more details contact any of the committee members themselves they are very happy to help you.
I look forward to seeing you there, Dianne
Other Breaking News
The WEB site is going to be gradually fased out and this page - Our BLOG will take over. As you can see already there have been significant improvement made to this page.It is a lot easier to read & looks fresh & more modern. Our Blog address remains the same. http://gawlergallery.blogspot.com.au/
Next GHS (Gawler Health Service) Exhibition Change Over
The next change over day is Wednesday December 4 at 2pm. Meet in the main foyer. If you have not shown your paintings here before you are very welcome to join in. It is a maximum of 2 per person as space in the Hospital is limited. It does however provide the Staff & Patients lovely coridors to walk down. All paintings are for Sale and while we have not had a lot we have had Sales. It is another way to get your work out there being talked about. If you are aleady a member of the Gallery there is not extra charge.
Artwork submission forms can be downloaded from our Blog under Documents at the top of the page. Contact Sue Olds for more information ph: 8525 2590 Email: crolds@bigpond.com
The gallery office (upstairs Blue Bird room) is now available to members wishing to hold small workshops for up to eight people. The room is free for members and
available at a negotiated price to non members. For more informationt or to book the room, contact program Coordinator, Thelma Kirkwood on 8254 2886 or email:atkirk@bigpond.com Note: the room is unavailable on the first Thursday of each month.
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