*May/June Exhibitions
The latest round of openings was held on Sunday 26th May at 2pm, there were 5 Exhibitions in all and each one had somebody to do the honors and speak a little about that particular exhibition.Judy Ferguson, President of Gawler Community Gallery welcoming speech & introductions for guest speakers |
It was a lovely sunny day and we had in excess of 90 visitors through the Gallery for the day.
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The large crowd at the opening on 26th May. |
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Exhibition guests |
It had the effect of holding people longer in each room to have a good look at all the wonderful work on offer for their perusal and purchase.
The 5 exhibition's currently running are: 'Ancient Worlds', 'Faye Matthews', 'AMITY', 'Back Route' and 'Eye Spy'.
by Liz & Stephanie |
Downstairs In the - "Tea & Sugar Gallery",
'Ancient Worlds' is presented by artists Liz Colinge & Stephanie Elands, takes us on a journey through a range of ancient worlds using a variety of methods with textiles. Beautiful work girls.
by Faye Mathews |
Downstairs in the - "Red Hen Gallery", artist "Faye Mathews", formerly from Victoria presents her professional paintings which include a variety of genre and loads of subject matter to please all tastes.
paintings shown are by Colleen Gates, Brian Windebank and Dorothy Beverly. |
Upstairs in the - "Bluebird Gallery" presented by 6 artists, "Amity Remembers" is in their 8th consecutive year showing together at Gawler.
They are: Colleen Gates, Carol Clue, Dorothy Beverly, Dianne Vagg, Brian Windebank, & standing in for Phil, this year is his wife Sylvia Bolding. Phil passed away in November last year after a long battle with brain tumors and the group has titled this exhibition in his honor and have included some of Phil's work along with theirs. As ever this is a vibrant, and varied exhibition which shows how 6 people using the same medium of watercolour can have completely different styles and still produce beautiful work.
Amity is on Face Book- just click on the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Amity-6-Friends-Art-Adelaide/532249873498617
by Krystyna Potoczek |
Upstairs in the -"Overland Gallery" artist Krystyna Potoczek presents "Back Route" paintings from the Outback and Alice Springs region, lovely scenes painted using exciting colours in acrylic.
by Bridget Harrison |
As always we have a gallery filled with wonderful work from a very talented group of artists.
Good luck all, I hope you have lots of sales, Cheers Dianne
Members Note: We have a New Roster Coordinator as Colleen Moyne has resigned for personal reasons.
Joanne Hughes has kindly taken on this task and can be contacted by Email: kenjo@internode.on.net or Phone: 85248213.Joanne is also our Publicity Officer.The Committee would like to request that as many of you as are able, place yourself on a set, permanent day on the roster each month.
The reason for this is to attempt to make the Roster task much more easily managed. I am sure you all know that it is never easy completely filling all the roster days.
It would also make life easier for most of you as volunteers as well, because by doing this you would know exactly what your commitment is and could manage most Dr or other appointments around this. The obvious exception being with professionals who only offer specific days for appointments or if you are sick or away. These are things which will always pop up and we all have to deal with them.
We currently have 70 members, and 32 of those do not regularly sit on the roster. We are desperate for more volunteers with this, even if it is only a half day. Also as a thought by myself is it possible to permanently sit once every 2 months if your cannot do it more often? It all helps Joanne our roster coordinator with this daunting task.
The Gallery cannot run without our wonderful volunteer's assistance, we very much appreciate the effort you all go to in maintaining the Gawler Gallery as a viable exhibition space with a welcoming & friendly atmosphere.
Members/ Friends/Facebook
I would like to remind everyone who supports our Gallery that you are very much appreciated, and as such would like to suggest that you encourage anyone you may know who is interested, to join our Gallery and become members also. The more members we have the easier it is to fill rosters and our exhibitions will remain varied, fresh and interesting for years to come. Our membership prices are VERY reasonable, as are our ROOM HIRE fees, so spread the word.Here are the links for our Facebook page and internet page to make it easier for you to pass information on.
Face Book; http://www.facebook.com/GawlerCommunityGallery?hc_location=timeline
Internet/web site link; http://gawlergallery.50webs.com/ These links are also on our home page.
*Gallery to Have New Office!
By August we will have moved the Office upstairs to what is now the BLUEBIRD room, (previously the blue room).
This room will be dedicated to all office work, and we hope to run the occasional "workshop" and "social gathering" from there as well.
Over the last 6 months we have noted that our visitors are very reluctant to enter the shop, even when invited, as they feel like they are intruding into an office. The Shop coordinator & assistant have been constantly trying to remedy this problem with minimal effect.
There are also Occupation, Health & Safety issues with trying to hang paintings over bulky furniture. The last thing we want is for any of our volunteers to get injured.
Use Of Kitchen ;
There will be a new contract drawn up with the Lions Club soon, to reflect the recent changes with the Gallery space. We will no longer be getting the kitchen space, it will continue to be shared with the Lions as they find they still need the extra room for storage.
*Available Gallery Spaces for 2013
Exhibition Coodinator
Our Exhibition coordinator is Thelma Kirkwood, her job is to promote the gallery spaces for hire and fill each one throughout the year. This can be a big job, coordinating the rooms to the wishes of those wanting to exhibit in our gallery takes time and planning. Stirling work Thelma, there would be no exhibitions without you.Looking for Exhibition Space? We still have available rooms this year, however they are filling fast. Each Exhibition run time is 6 weeks, and our prices are very reasonable. There are still some rooms available for 2014, so if you are planning an exhibition get in quick and lock it in with a deposit so you don't miss out.
The dates and rooms still available are: August 15th - Sept' 22nd, The Overland Gallery and The Ghan Gallery, these are both upstairs, quite large rooms with lovely light & high ceilings.
Contact: Thelma Kirkwood on 8254 2886 or
Email Thelma at; atkirk@bigpond.com
At a later date I will give you the remaining availability for 2014 which is also filling very fast.
*Hanging Exhibitions
It Doesn't Happen By Accident
Visitors to the Gallery probably never stop to think about how the artwork gets up on the walls and always looks fantastic.
Magic? I don't think so!
I would like to congratulate & thank Team Leader, David Arandle & our hanging team for all their hard work in performing this important task several times
a year.
There is a definite ART to this task and extra help is always appreciated, so if you feel you can give a few hours every 6 weeks, and wish to learn the in's & out's of hanging, and taking down an exhibition to it's best advantage, then please contact David you will find his expertise & support invaluable.
All Galleries aim for a professional and artistic look to present to their visitors.
David is also our hard working secretary.
You can contact him by
Email at; etourist@arttimeproductions.com
It is not only the exhibition rooms that require a lot of thought and effort to maintain a professional look in our premises, but also the Shop & Hallways, which form part of our shop.
The Shop coordinator Colleen Gates & assistant Dianne Vagg attend to this on a regular basis. At other times throughout the month if extra work comes in for the shop, several of our other members do a sterling job in assisting with this as well, so a big thank you to them also.
*Shop Updates
A Few Reminders
We are constantly looking for a variety of Art work & more members to either Hang or place in the Gallery Shop.Here are some suggestions; Small to medium paintings, gift cards, pottery, jewelry, textiles to name a few.
If you have anything you think is suitable contact the shop coordinator who has the final say on appropriate pieces for the shop. Bearing in mind that space is a premium and we want to give everyone a fair go.
Contact, Shop Coordinator -
Colleen Gates; Email; gordon.gates@hotmail.com or Assistant -
Dianne Vagg; Email; djvagg@bigpond.net.au
All shop displays are on consignment and need to be written into a book specifically for your work.
The change over of this work is on a 3 month basis to keep the shop looking fresh & interesting for our visitors.
It is a good idea for you to keep a copy of your shop work and note the change over date in your diaries. If stuck you can always ring the gallery during opening hours, or simply roll up and change it out. It does not matter if you do this earlier than 3 months.
When the office moves upstairs, the shop will have a complete overhaul. The aim of this is to make it SAFE for shop staff & ALL members to hang their artworks. Currently it feels cramped, and having to stretch over cabinetry is NOT the ideal for anyone. It is a constant struggle juggling the layout each month so that everyone's work is displayed so that it looks its best.
Colleen is to be commended for doing such a wonderful job of this with the assistance of Dianne under the circumstances.
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